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Participant UK
For organisers
For organisers
Find answer as an organiser in our system
How do I get started?
User access: The difference between user, finance and administrator
How do I add more users to the organiser account?
I cannot log in
Event Setup
How to setup your first event
How do I change the registration deadline?
Can I copy a previous event when setting up a new one?
Video: How to set up an event
Credits: How do they work?
What is the cost of using Participant?
Which reports can I access and download?
Additional functionality
Can I approve orders before payment is taken?
How can I utilise the QR code check-in with the Participant App?
How to set up payment plans on Participant
How to set up your booking page for pitch booking
How to set up your booking page for appointment booking
Sessions - User Guide
Communication and participant administration
How can I provide registers to each of my coaches without giving them full administrator access?
Can I refund an attendee using Participant?
How do I communicate with event attendees?
FAQ- Participant UK becomes LetsReg
Who owns the data?
Is Participant GDPR compliant?
Is it safe and secure to use Participant?
What promotional opportunities does Participant give us?